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Born in St. Paul, Minnesota, Misha started out with a cello but quickly discovered the joy of 6-strings. Encouraged to hit open mic nights, Misha’s dad began ferrying him to bars where he could not get through the door without adult supervision. Beat up on stage by some of the best blues players in the Twin Cities, Misha finally progressed enough to convince the legendary Moses Oakland to take him on.


From 17 until he left the Minnesota at 21, Misha grew under Moses Oakland’s watchful eye. During that same period, he formed and played with several bands. 


Moving to Milwaukee, WI in the summer of 2002, new doors opened. He would go on to work with and tour nationally with Blues and R&B acts such as Reverend Raven & The Chain Smoking Alter Boys, Fire On Your Sleeve, Harvey Westmoreland & Knee Deep II Show Band, George Stancell, Stokes & The Old Blues Boys, and The Charles Walker Band. 


Growing tired of life as a sideman, Misha put together his own band in 2011. This lead to the release of his debut solo album "A Blues For Joy!", written as a celebration of the healing power of music in the face of grief. The album was dedicated to his father Steven, who had passed away in 2009. "Blues For Joy!" was loosely structured as a blues/jazz symphony, showcasing Misha's love of big ideas and grand execution. 


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